Last week the British Pavilion hosted Tate Collective, a community of young people aged 16-25 lead by Curator Rachel Noel, who organised a series of events inside or on top of the Pavilion on the theme INNER-CITY IS MY ISLAND.
The theme – INNER-CITY IS MY ISLAND – explores the relationship between cultural production and the built environment. During their time with us at the Pavilion, Tate Collective have explored the pockets of inner-city London culture through poetry and sound, culminating in a special radio show and live performance on the last day. My favourite moment was the open discussion Tate Collective and Touching Bass organised in the Gallery of the British Pavilion. It was such an inclusive conversation where visitors had the chance to join and debate the role of architecture in the cultural production of young London today.
As a Pavilion Steward, I felt visitors to Island particularly enjoyed the daily takeovers of the 4 o’clock tea sessions where different eras of Black-British music have been explored. As soon as the performance would start, crowds of people would make their way up to the roof of the Pavilion.